First day of lockup expiry and $CLOV is getting Chamathed. down 14.8% to $9.97.

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Pure gold!

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Why you lil' Fudrucker you. Let me quote from a Billy Joel song... "

You may be right

I may be crazy

Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for

Turn out the light

Don't try to save me

You may be wrong for all I know

But you may be right"

... that said, Russell might be nice, but not necessary. Clover is a solid stock with excellent growth potential, AND, quite likely we are going to take the shorters to school in an epic squeeeeze. You don’t like Chamath, you don’t like CLOV? Boohoo. Throw fud, as you like. I do not think you understand the Reddit/ Clover army at all.


Fuck you very much.

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Who is "we", clowny? You and the other mashed-potatoes-for-brains mouth-breathers that have ridden this down another 15% since you typed out your sassy comment?

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You sound mad. Do your own work and lay off the Oracle of SV will ya?

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More like whore-acle of SPACs. Tip your waiter! will be here all week.

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Reported to SEC. Nice work kiddo

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Reported for what, a coherent event driven short thesis? Lot of crayon eater Reddit dum dums on here.

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How do I get as good at Keubiko at reading 10-K's and related filings? Michelle Leder books? What other books are good for learning the legalese? What are good exercises for beginners? You are very busy and the work you do is important. Thank you. :)

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