Naked shorts are getting so desperate that they are now starting blogs in their last very desperate attempts to influence the narrative before they have to cover.

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Thanks for explaining this so a dummy like me can understand !

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If short volume is 51% or higher, how can it be mathematically possible for short interest to not increase?

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Hopefully we'll see ya back on Twitter! ♥️✌️

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Anyone interested should check out squeezemetrics writing on how to use this Finra data. This data is only coming from the dark pools and not the lit markets.

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Can you dedicate your blog to just debunking all the ridiculous "DD" on /r/superstonk? These guys think they have it all figured out and the entire market's going to get swallowed into a black hole because of GME.

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Yeah, but KOSS had a huge short squeeze. What do you have to say about that?

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Thanks for writing this, I actually had no idea how the shorts were reported and this provided a lot of clarity. Also made me aware that most of the people of forums and SM have no clue about what’s going on (ditto some CEOs)

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A lot of words for "no-one will fuck me and my I lose money every day from shorting"

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Can I ask you what your honest opinion is what will be happening with $GME. is it just gonna slowcrab down b/c the squeeze is done or are all the qanon larpers onto something? I've made my gains on GME, would not mind more, but if it's it is done..

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